Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jews with curly hair?

How come I saw a Jew with curly hair. I thought the white ones all had straight hair.

Jews with curly hair?

They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

Jews with curly hair?

is this supposed to be a joke?

Jews with curly hair?

Oh, you'd be surprised, we come in all shapes and sizes...

Curly hair. Straight hair. Blonde hair. Red hair. Raven black hair. White skin. Black skin. Blue eyes. Green eyes. Black eyes. We are Japanese. Chinese. Yemenite. Swedish. Iraqi. Moroccan. British. Australian. Ethiopian. American. Canadian.

Yep. That's us. Masters and Mistresses of disguise.

Why, there could be one of us nearer to you than you think....

Jews with curly hair?

um . . what a weird question!!!

Jews with curly hair?

you thought wrong.

Jews with curly hair?

I don't know if you are serious, but it's actually quite common for Jews to have curly hair.

Jews with curly hair?

say what???????????????????????????????????

Jews with curly hair?

Obviously you have never been to Israel. The real mccoys have naturally, black curly hair. European Jews converted or intermarried with the other races because there is no such thing as a blonde-haired blue-eyed Jew unless of inter-racial marriage. It's just that simple. The real true Jews are Hebrews from the Mid-East.

Jews with curly hair?

actually most of my friends are curly...

and my friends friends...


Jews with curly hair?

paperback writer: LOL "Why, there could be one of us nearer to you than you think...."


Jews with curly hair?

All three stooges were Jewish and one of them was named Curly (Although he was bald...)

Jews with curly hair?

We come in all shapes, colors, etc.

There are European Jews, Arab Jews, Turkish Jews, American Jews, African Jews, Asian Jews Irish Jews, and I can go on for another page...

As paperback said:

masters of disguise.


Jews with curly hair?


Jews with curly hair?

PB nice!~! "near you",.... hehehe

Jews with curly hair?

So what you're saying is we're not white? ok.

Jews with curly hair?

I actually answered a question similar to this today, where someone asked about people who "look Jewish". You know, it's funny, I'm pretty sure there are folks out there who are convinced that Jews have curly hair rather than straight hair (never met a guy with a Jewfro?) Aaanyhoo, here's what I told the other guy; I think most of it applies here as well:

The "Jewish look" is a myth. In America, a lot of people go their whole lives only meeting Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern European descent (or at least, only realizing that these ones are Jewish, and it never occurs to them that some of the non-caucasians they meet might be Jewish as well). So when you say to a Jew: "Funny, you don't look Jewish." What you really mean, whether you realize it or not, is probably "funny, you don't look Polish".

We Jews are a mishmash of ethnicities at this point. Part of it is the fact that we've been scattered over the better part of the globe for the last two thousand years. And part of it is the introduction of Jews-by-choice (i.e. converts) into our people going all the way back to Abraham, who you could say was the first Jew and therefore the first convert.

So yeah, "looking Jewish" is really a common misconception. I've known Hispanic Jews, Middle Eastern Jews, Black Jews (and we're talking both Jews-by-choice and Jews-by-birth), all of them 100% Jewish, but if you looked at them, you'd probably think "you don't look Jewish," probably because a Black guy doesn't have an appearance you'd think of as "typical Jewish" (read: typically Polish/Slavic/Russian Ashkenazic). In fact, there are some 150,000 Ethiopian Jews - it's just that most of them are in Israel. Is my face more Jewish then theirs just because my Mom's family came from places like Russia and the Ukraine?

Jews with curly hair?

... and again you have smoked too much.

Where did you get this information? Did you read a book about the theory of races written by a so-called expert from the 3. Reich???

Stop smoking, dude, and stop smoking!!!

Jews with curly hair?

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... no

maybe white skin from living in exile

but still jewish genes... the curly hair stays

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